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Clash Royale Clan Wars Guide – The Ultimate Guide


clash royale clan wars battle

What is Clash Royale Clan Wars?

Clan Wars is the new feature being released in the huge 2018 April update.

The Clan Wars event lasts for 5 days. The whole Clan (50 members) can participate in Clan Wars.

Battle with your Clanmates and gain lots of rewards against other Clans around the world.

What you need to do right now:

  1. Find an active Clan which has at least 10 members to participate in Clash Royale Clan Wars.
  2. Your King’s Towers need to be at least level 8.
  3. Only Leaders or Co-Leaders can start the Clan Wars.
  4. Once the Clan War has started, go to the Social tab to see the map below:

clash royale clan wars map

Clan Wars Day #1: Collection Day

On the first day of the Clan War, do your best to get as many Clan Cards as you can for your Clan.

What is Clan Cards?

Clan Cards are used to build up your War Decks in the Clan Wars. Players can collect the Clan Cards on the preparation day.

The whole Clan use a public Clan Card Collection for the Clan Wars. All of the Clan Cards collected by Clan members on the preparation day will be moved to this Clan Card Collection. Clan Cards and levels are the same for every member in the Clan.

Clan Cards will be level up automatically as more cards are collected, no gold required.

The Clan Card levels will be lowered to your own cards level if they are higher than yours.

Clan Cards Tips

    • If your own card levels are too low, or usually lower than your Clan card levels, consider upgrading them.
    • You should upgrade multiple cards at once, rather than upgrading just a few cards to maxed.


What is Collection Day?

The first day of the Clash Royale Clan War is the Collection Day. During the first day, you have 3 matches to play in the War Map (screenshot above).

There are different game modes here for you to choose: 2v2 Ladder, Sudden Death, 2v2 Double Elixir, Draft Mode and Double Elixir. Once a game mode played, it will be replaced by a different game mode.

You use your own cards to play on the Collection day.

The number of Clan Cards you can get on the first day based on your Clan War League and your match results.

The winner will get more Clan Cards than the defeated one. The higher League your Clan is, the more Clan Cards your members can get.

Tips for the Collection Day

  • You can easily see and change your deck right on the Collection Day screen.
  • Play any game mode you want.
  • The winner will have x2 more cards than the defeated one. It’s definitely worth doing your best to get the win. If all of your members have 3 wins on the first day, that’s such a huge opportunity for your Clan on the second day.
  • Draft matches have the Tournament Standard. If your card levels are not great, it is always recommended to play Draft.
  • If all of the 50 members in your Clan participate in the War, your Clan will be matched with other 50-member Clans.

clash royale clan cards

clash royale war deck

Clan Wars Day #2: War Day

The second day of the Clash Royale Clan Wars is the War Day.

On the War Day, you have to build up a deck based on your Clan Cards.

You can’t use cards you haven’t unlocked yet, and your Clan Card levels can’t be higher higher than your own ones. So consider upgrading your own cards again at here.

Your Clan will get matched against 4 other Clans. Each Clan member has only 1 attack on the War Day using their own decks.

Tips for the War Day

  • Don’t forget to share your Clan deck with other Clan members via the Clan deck building screen.
  • Always test your Clan decks first before using it in the War.
  • Some players might have more than 1 match to ensure all of the Clans have the same matches played.
  • If you do not want to participate in the War, do not play in the Collection Day.
  • If you get hard-countered in a match and you just can’t win it, do the best to get a crown to help your Clan.
  • Win matters, play aggressive decks to win the match. Since the opponent Clans likely never get matches against you, there is no reason to take the tie.
  • Tap on your Clan’s boat to see more details about your Clan.
  • You can nudge players who haven’t used their attack yet.

clash royale war day


  • The rewards will be determined based on your Clan Trophies.
  • Gain more Clan Trophies to progress through the Clan Leagues.
  • You will get the War Chest at the end of the Clan War Season (2 weeks).
  • The War Chest is based on your Clan League and the highest ranked war you participated in during the season.
  • Better rank + higher league = bigger chest.

Clan League

Here are all of the information you need to know about Clan League.

Clan League Clan Trophy Requirement Collection Day Victory Gold War Day Victory Gold War Day King Level Cap
Bronze I 0 100 200 9
Bronze II 200 100 200
Bronze III 400 100 200
Silver I 600 150 300 10
Silver II 900 150 300
Silver III 1,200 150 300
Gold I 1,500 200 400 11
Gold II 2,000 200 400
Gold III 2,500 200 400
Legend 3,000 250 500 12

War Chest

Total Cards = (Clan League Base Value) + (Rank Bonus)

Gold = 7 x Total Cards

Rares = (Total Cards)/4; Epics = (Total Cards)/15

Clan League Base Value
Bronze I 90
Bronze II Updating…
Bronze III Updating…
Silver I 210
Silver II Updating…
Silver III Updating…
Gold I 330
Gold II Updating…
Gold III Updating…
Legend 450
Rank 4th-5th 3rd 2nd 1st
Bonus N/A 60 120 180

Instant Guide to Building Clan War Decks

First, you need to pick a win condition based on your favorite archetype.

Pick something you are interested in playing or you are confident that you are good with.

However, before picking the exact win condition, you need to pick out the archetype you want to play!

  • Beatdown
  • Siege
  • Control
  • Hybrid


Clash Royale GolemClash Royale GiantClash Royale Royal GiantClash Royale Three MusketeersClash Royale Lava HoundClash Royale Graveyard

You will have a tank in general for your main damage output!

You will need to sacrifice tower HP for elixir leads, place and protect a Collector to further this elixir lead (in some decks)!

If you do decide this is the archetype you want to play, here are some notable win conditions for you:

Pros Cons
Great vs Siege decks! Weaker vs fast cycle decks.
During 2x Elixir, you have the advantage vs cheaper decks. Cards like P.E.K.K.A need you to make specific adjustments to take down.
Amazing counterpush potential Get struggled vs hard counters like Exenado or Giant NW decks.
Lots of 3 Crown wins. 1 misplay tank could cost you the game


Clash Royale X-BowClash Royale Mortar

Using Siege decks, you typically want to have a fairly cheap cycle.

You can easily take care of their units within the range of their towers! This can pose many advantages.

The win condition buildings are fairly tanky and can be used on defense as well!

Typically you have more than 1 win condition in this archetype.

Pros Cons
Works great vs faster cycle decks. Weak vs beatdown pushes.
Cheap cost allows you to out cycle counters Multiple tanks and heavy spells can be very annoying.
Only need 1 tower then defend. Weaker in 2x elixir
Almost always can get a draw. Once lost a Tower, you will be in a tough situation.


Clash Royale MinerClash Royale Goblin BarrelClash Royale Skeleton BalloonClash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale Three Musketeers

You will want to control the pace and the tempo of the game.

Make sure your opponent follows your cycle. And like siege, have a deck that can defend really well at mitigating damage and giving up the least amount of damage possible.

Typically cheap to mid-range average elixir decks.

There are two other sub-archetypes in this section are: Cycle and Bait.

Fast cycle.

Pros Cons
Some decks here have hard counters.
Great vs beatdown decks! P.E.K.K.A and Siege counters most of these decks.
Great on defence to avoid damage. Usually doesn’t have enough damage to get more than 1 Tower.
Most of the time, stronger than siege.


Clash Royale GiantClash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale MinerClash Royale X-BowClash Royale MortarClash Royale Three Musketeers

Here are some types of Hybrid decks you would want to know about.



    + Control: Giant Miner, Giant Graveyard, Golem Graveyard etc.

  • Beatdown+ Bait: Giant Sparky, Giant 3 Muskets, Giant Goblin Barrel etc.
  • Siege+ Bait: Mortar Bait – Hog Rider or Miner, X-Bow with Elixir Collector, etc.
  • Siege + Control: X-Bow P.E.K.K.A, Mortar P.E.K.K.A, etc.
Pros Cons
Typically can’t be hard countered. More skills based so you need to make decisions on the fly.
Harder to predict with a more diverse playstyle. 2nd win condition will take up 1 slot. Sometimes can be tedious.

Building Deck Around The Win Condition!

Before we get further, I want to explain some terminologies I will be using in the guide

  • Win condition – Card that gets you the most damage output.
  • Heavy spell – Spell that does typically above 200 damage.
  • Light spell – Cheap spell, less than 4 Elixir, for clearing swarms.
  • Glass cannon – Low-mid HP troop with high damage-per-second (DPS). Typically die to spell (or survive with just a little of HP). Examples: Witches, Wizard, Musketeer etc.
  • Mini tank-  Mid HP unit. Medium DPS. Used for sponging damage but not too reliable vs heavy pushes on their own. Examples: Ice Golem, Knight etc.
  • Splank – Tank + Splash damage dealer. Examples: Baby dragon, Valkyrie, Bowler etc.
  • Tank – Heavy card with 3000+ HP.


I will address 3 Musketeers separately because though beatdown you would typically play it different to a regular Giant or Golem deck + deck would build differently too!

Consider replacing the #7 or #8 cards with a Collector if your deck is too expensive.

Slot #1: Win condition

Clash Royale GolemClash Royale GiantClash Royale Royal GiantClash Royale Three MusketeersClash Royale Lava HoundClash Royale Graveyard

Slot #2: Heavy spell

Typically to clear away medium-low HP troops, getting value in the process.

Clash Royale fireballClash Royale PoisonClash Royale Lightning

Slot #3: Light Spell

For clearing swarms.

Clash Royale ArrowsClash Royale ZapClash Royale The Log

Slot #4: Main Support Card

Clash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale MinionsClash Royale Dark PrinceClash Royale Night WitchClash Royale Musketeer

Cheap cards that typically almost always paired up with the Giant.

It can either be a ground troop, or air troop. Should be below 5 Elixir, cheap and have splash damage and.

Slot #5: Ranged attacker

Typically would be able to deal damage from far away!

Clash Royale MusketeerClash Royale WizardClash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale Witch

Slot #6: Glass Cannon/Tank Killer!

This will be your main way of dealing with your opponents heavy cards and their win conditions.

Clash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Night WitchClash Royale LumberjackClash Royale BarbariansClash Royale Elite Barbarians

Slot #7: Ground Swarm+ Cycle

Something that can tank hits from dangerous troops like P.E.K.K.A, Prince etc so your Mini Tank won’t die or your own tank won’t get hit.

Also these guys could be your secondary source of getting damage!

Clash Royale GuardsClash Royale GoblinClash Royale Skeleton ArmyClash Royale Goblin Gang

Slot #6: Air Swarm or Cycle Card

Clash Royale Minion HordeClash Royale MinionsClash Royale BatsClash Royale Fire SpiritsClash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale Skeleton

These guys are similar, maybe a slight spell bait but in the air.

I prefer having a cycle but defensive card in my decks that fit this criteria.

That being said you can put in a cycle card here instead of the air swarmy card.


14pt;”>Deck 1 – Giant Beatdown


Clash Royale GiantClash Royale PoisonClash Royale ZapClash Royale Night Witch
Clash Royale Flying ZappiesClash Royale Inferno DragonClash Royale GuardsClash Royale Bats

14pt;”>Deck 2 – Giant Classic Beatdown


Clash Royale GiantClash Royale fireballClash Royale ZapClash Royale Minions
Clash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale GoblinClash Royale The Log

14pt;”>Deck 3 – Golem Beatdown w/o Pump

Clash Royale GolemClash Royale Dark PrinceClash Royale ArrowsClash Royale Lightning
Clash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale Night WitchClash Royale TombstoneClash Royale Goblin


Slot #1: Win Condition

Clash Royale X-BowClash Royale Mortar

Slot #2: Heavy Spell

Secondary win condition

Clash Royale RocketClash Royale fireball

Slot #3: Light Spell

For clearing swams

Clash Royale The LogClash Royale ZapClash Royale Arrows

Slot #4: Mini Tank

Soak up damage while you whittle down their troops HP with your own or the X-Bow or Mortar

Clash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale KnightClash Royale Valkyrie

Slot #5: Defensive Building or Tank Killer

Mainly for dealing with tanks in beatdown decks

Clash Royale TeslaClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Inferno Tower

Slot #6: Ranged defensive troop

Typically for dealing with air threats. Also able to cycle and kill troops from the safety of your side, protecting your X-Bow.

Clash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale WitchClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale ArchersClash Royale Electro Wizard

Slot #7: DPS Troop / Cycle Card

This isn’t the same as your defensive building.

This should be mainly a cycle card but all the same a card that does good DPS and transform into a counterpush.

Clash Royale ArchersClash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale Minions

Slot #8: Cycle Card

Mainly to just cycle while giving defensive utility.

Clash Royale SkeletonClash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale BatsClash Royale Fire SpiritsClash Royale Goblin


3.3 X-Bowler Cycle

Clash Royale X-BowClash Royale fireballClash Royale The LogClash Royale Ice Golem
Clash Royale BowlerClash Royale ArchersClash Royale SkeletonClash Royale Mega Minion

Standard 2.9 Mortar

Clash Royale MortarClash Royale RocketClash Royale ArrowsClash Royale Knight
Clash Royale ArchersClash Royale SkeletonClash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale The Log

3.0 Mortar Cycle

Clash Royale MortarClash Royale fireballClash Royale The LogClash Royale Ice Golem
Clash Royale Dark PrinceClash Royale PrincessClash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale Bats


Slot #1: Win Condition

The main damage dealer.

Clash Royale GraveyardClash Royale MinerClash Royale Skeleton BalloonClash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale Three MusketeersClash Royale Balloon

Slot #2: Heavy Spell

Clash Royale fireballClash Royale PoisonClash Royale LightningClash Royale Rocket

Slot #3: Light Spell

Clash Royale ZapClash Royale The LogClash Royale Arrows

Slot #4: Mini Tank

Clash Royale KnightClash Royale LumberjackClash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale Battle Ram

Slot #5: 2nd Mini Tank/Ranged Attacked

Clash Royale Baby DragonClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale BanditClash Royale PrinceClash Royale Dark PrinceClash Royale Knight

Slot #6: Tank Killer

Clash Royale Inferno DragonClash Royale TombstoneClash Royale Goblin HutClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Dark PrinceClash Royale PrinceClash Royale TeslaClash Royale Minion Horde

Slot #7: Ground Swarm

Clash Royale GuardsClash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale GoblinClash Royale SkeletonClash Royale Skeleton Army

Slot #8: Cycle Card

Clash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale SkeletonClash Royale Bats



Graveyard Poison Cycle

Clash Royale GraveyardClash Royale PoisonClash Royale The LogClash Royale Ice Golem
Clash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale Dark PrinceClash Royale Goblin HutClash Royale Mega Minion

Hog 3.0

Clash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale fireballClash Royale The LogClash Royale Ice Golem
Clash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale GoblinClash Royale Bats

Oldschool P.E.K.K.A Miner Poison


Clash Royale MinerClash Royale PoisonClash Royale ZapClash Royale Bandit
Clash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale GoblinClash Royale Mega Minion


Slot #1: Main Win Condition

Clash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale GiantClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale X-BowClash Royale MortarClash Royale Miner

Slot #2: Win Condition #2

Clash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale GiantClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale X-BowClash Royale MortarClash Royale Miner

Slot #3: Heavy Spell

Clash Royale fireballClash Royale PoisonClash Royale RocketClash Royale Lightning

Slot #4: Light Spell

Clash Royale The LogClash Royale ZapClash Royale Arrows

Slot #5: Support

This is the support for the main Win Condition. For example, If you want to build Giant Miner Deck, use NW for Giant.

Clash Royale Night WitchClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale BanditClash Royale Royal GhostClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Flying MachineClash Royale Dark PrinceClash Royale Wizard

Slot #6: Ranged Troop/Cycle Card

If the slot #5 is a ranged card, use a Cycle card here.

Clash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale WizardClash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale ArchersClash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale Skeleton

Slot #7: Ground Swarm

Clash Royale GuardsClash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale Skeleton ArmyClash Royale Goblin

Slot #8: Air Troop

Can be single or swarm, depending on the win conditions and the idea of the deck.

Clash Royale Baby DragonClash Royale MinionsClash Royale BatsClash Royale Mega Minion


Mortar Bait

Clash Royale MortarClash Royale MinerClash Royale The LogClash Royale Zap
Clash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale BatsClash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale Minion Horde

Giant Miner Hybrid

Clash Royale GiantClash Royale MinerClash Royale fireballClash Royale Zap
Clash Royale Night WitchClash Royale MinionsClash Royale GoblinClash Royale Minion Horde

Mortar Miner

Clash Royale MortarClash Royale MinerClash Royale fireballClash Royale The Log
Clash Royale KnightClash Royale Flying ZappiesClash Royale GoblinClash Royale Mega Minion

Give it a test run!

Now that you’ve built your deck, you will want to give it a test go. Perhaps a challenge, tournament or friendly battle.

When I was testing some decks above, I created a few of them on my own.

I am not saying they will be perfect! Playing a game or two with them will show you where to improve the deck, what to change etc. Know what cards might be better.

Trial and error before you finalize a deck!

Lastly, you will need to make sure you’ve undergone several cycles of trial and error before you finalize your deck.

When you’ve finally finished the deck, just grind away with it. Get used to it’s cards, when to play what etc!

Once you got a good grasp of the deck, winning with it will not be too challenging of a thing to do!

With the help from darchangels13 and lolman

10 Most Important Tips That I’ve Realized After 10,000+ Matches Played


I know the pain of overleveled RG and Ebarbs, guys. This game has caused me so much stress, but also created so much happiness.

I hit Master I this season after grinding my ass off, so I’m set for a while. But after hitting that, I’ve realized a lot of things that really boost my playstyle.

So here are some tips to enjoy this game as much as you can.

I’ve separated them into categories for you guys.

pushing tips

Tips for climbing in ladder:

Do not use a lot of legendaries.

That, my friend, is a mistake.

First of all, legendaries aren’t as flashy anymore, especially since most players have 4+ of them.

Second of all, legendaries severely hold you back. Hitting level 3 is nice and all, but getting it to level 4 as an F2P is damn hard. Do not aim for that by spending gold that you could use on commons and rares in your deck.

Run level independent cards

This ties into the first tip, but I really need to emphasize this. Log is a pretty nice example, since it oneshots level 12 gobs at level 1, and level 2 log is pretty much all you need for 5k.

Use a solid win condition.

I use Hog and G-Yard (not in the same deck). My pekka is almost level 6 so I’ll be using it soon.

While G-Yard can be deadly, it is extremely easy to stop on ladder, so avoid using it. Hog is a good win condition to use.

It is a rare, meaning it can be leveled fast, its weaknesses can be overcome with good plays, and it works well with a lot of cards.

Meta defensive cards are key

Knight Ice Spirit is a strong combo that takes out Ebarbs, does good damage to RG, and overall shuts down most ground attacks without much difficulty.

Use the meta’s defenses! They are meta for a reason.

I’m leaving out Meta offensive cards for a reason (which I’ll get to later).

Run cycle cards in your deck

If you have a bad hand, you can drop Bats or something to get to a better card.

They are also low in cost, so it isn’t a waste, since you are trading elixir for a better hand.


Tips for winning matches:

Track your hand

Memorize a card you have, and learn the position of the other cards relative to it. Let’s say you have Hog as a card. You know that you have Musketeer as the card after Ice Spirit, and Ice Spirit is after Hog. Use that to your advantage.

Run a cheaper deck

Right now there is a trend for these because it lets you outcycle your opponent. This is why you add a cycle card or two. You use them to outcycle your opponent’s defenses in order to reach their tower and destroy it. But don’t make it so cheap that you have one win condition and a bunch of cycle cards. That’s just stupid.

Use 4> elixir spells a lot

A LOT. You won’t be cost too much by dropping a Fireball on the tower with most of your Hog pushes if you know they have Barbs as their defense. Along with that, you get good damage on their tower. This can make or break a game.

If you chip down a tower from the start with spells, the difference can be around 1500, which can cause you to win.

But I’m not saying you should Fireball if they drop a PEKKA. That’s just dumb. And don’t log Minion Hordes. Please…

You don’t have to use meta decks if you aren’t comfortable with them

I’m very comfortable with the meta Hog Exenado because I’ve played a TON of matches with exenado and my whole life with clash was using Hog Cycle.

Pretend that deck is out of the meta. Ok… So should I use the meta PEKKA Bandit deck?….NO!

Just because it is meta, doesn’t mean you are good with it. I can’t do jacksh*t with that deck, hell, I haven’t won more than 5 matches in my playtime with it.

So I’ll just keep on rollin’ with my Hog Exenado.


Have fun!

This game is meant to bring us enjoyment. Rage all you want, that could be fun, but if you don’t enjoy a playstyle, switch it up.

After nearly 9000 matches with Hog Cycle, I’m starting to get bored (a little too late, I know). So I experimented. And I discovered an archetype I really enjoy; SplashYard. I’ll be testing it in challenges and ladder sometimes, but I will be playing some Hog as well.

Think of the game as annoying if you want, think of it as retarded if you want, think of it as competitive if you want, but make sure you enjoy your time with it.

That’s all guys! Have fun and clash on!

By DeruTaka

Hog Cycle – The Inferno Tower Problem Solved

hog vs inferno tower

Hello guys, I’m PeakCell and I want to talk to you about a common problem faced by almost all Hog Rider players.

This problem is the Inferno Tower.

hog vs inferno tower

How Hog Cycle deals with Inferno Tower

While many Hog players see the Inferno Tower as one of the biggest obstacles, I think I can give you some tips to get rid of this 5 Elixir thing or even make profit out of it.

I may be a good person to talk about this since I am a long time Hog Rider player who regularly faces Inferno Towers, but also plays the Inferno Tower.

When I started using my deck (I play the same since 7 months ago) I tried many different playstyles against things which countered me (Inferno Tower as well as Lava Miner decks, Furnace, Mini P.E.K.K.A etc). Finally, I found efficient playstyles against almost all of my counters (Only Lavaloon excluded, and siege because I didn’t face enough of those), including the Inferno Tower.

Let me share with you everything I do when I need to play against an Inferno Tower.

What you can do to profit from it

When you want to counter an Inferno Tower, you want to counter the rest of the deck too. To do that, you’ll need an Elixir lead, or at least a nice way to lower your Elixir disadvantage.

What if I told you the Inferno Tower is the perfect way to do so?

Remember: The Inferno Tower costs 5 Elixir, and your Hog costs 4. Most of your opponents will counter a lone Hog with an Inferno Tower, giving you an advantage on the trade.

What does it mean?

It means that, whenever you feel you’re behind, you can throw a Hog Rider alone.

Keep your thumb over the Zap tho:

  • If your opponent tries to counter with small units it might be an opportunity.
  • If your opponent does use the Inferno Tower, you’ll lower your Elixir disadvantage by 1 easily.

What you need to AVOID against it

The Inferno Tower is still, in theory, a Hog Rider counter.

But why can’t you get rid of it?

It maybe because you don’t have the dark tactics (I’ll explain those later, there are a lot of things you can do) but it could be because you handle the situation very poorly.

As I said (or wrote) you need to be not too far behind your opponent, or else your opponent is not going to let you pass this Inferno.

Now why are you behind ?

It may be because you overcommit.

Many Hog players, even at some high ranks, will overcommit and handle the situation poorly.

Now what can you do against it ?

You need to be more aware of the situation, and to keep your Fireball or Zap or whatever if the situation is too hard to deal with (A Zap won’t be any use if your Hog is hit by the two towers, and a Fireball may be useful to destroy the Inferno but if your opponent has a Knight hitting your Hog, your Hog might still die.)

Read the situation better and you’ll avoid useless expenses. Avoiding useless expenses will make you win easily. (This sentence is important because it’s true for pretty much every deck in the game and at almost any trophy range)

hog vs inferno tower 2

How to counter this building ?

The Inferno Tower is quite simple to counter due to its cost and to its way of functionning.

The real problem is when you opponent puts other units to defend against your push, but it will most likely become a disadvantage for them if you don’t use your spells (Since the Inferno Tower by itself is pretty expensive).

The best method is OUTCYCLING the Inferno Tower.

It means you’re basically gonna throw another Hog push before your opponent gets their Inferno back.

In this case, you just need to take care about the other defensive units your opponent might place; if they have a Goblin Gang, for example, you might want to throw a Log.

The other best method (Equally efficient) is to read your opponent and punish them.

It means you’re gonna take care of what your opponent plays and if they place many units in a short period of time, they most likely won’t have 5 Elixir to place this Inferno

If they get enough Elixir back, they may also fail the Inferno by placing it too late; you might consider zapping it for some extra swings on the Tower since the Inferno Tower will most likely still have the range to focus your Hog.

Best situation is if you have small support units, a Zap will make the Inferno refocus on your Goblins/Minions/whatever, and you’ll take the Tower easily.

Best thing about this method is that generally your opponent will either fail their Inferno OR try to counter with cheap units, either way your Hog should land a few swings on their Tower.

If your Hog is followed by Goblins or Skeletons, the Inferno Tower might hit the Hog first.

Just Zap it!

The Tower will now focus the small units and your Hog will destroy it. Again, take care of the rest of your opponent’s cards.

You can place your support units in front of the Hog

so you won’t have to make the Inferno Tower reset its focus.

But it won’t be too much of a surprise for your opponent and they’ll probably react to this strategy efficiently, so that’s just something to do against very bad players (I never do that)

If your opponent is bad enough to preventively place an Inferno Tower, just pigpush on the other side

8qmmJl(Pigpush is when you place your Hog on the corner next to the bridge so the Hog jumps over the river, as you can see in this gif.)

By doing this, the Hog will ignore the Inferno Tower and hopefully do a lot of damages to the Tower on the other side.

Spells are OP against the Inferno!

Lightning is a good example, but the Fireball is great to, as well as the Zap resetting the charge, the Freeze letting the Hog completely free, etc.

Use them! But use them only when the situation is appropriate !

I hope this guide will help a lot of people. If you have questions, ask them in the comments and I’ll try to answer most of them. Good luck on mastering the Hog, and see you in the Clash Royale Arena !


Top 5 Overrated Cards in Clash Royale!

mega knight

Hey guys what’s up, it’s Mortar Rocket FTW here with my first ever guide here on Clash.World, and I’m going to be talking about the most overrated cards in Clash Royale.

Yes, there are a lot of cards which I just don’t understand why people still love.

There was a guide a while back about the most underrated cards so this guide is the opposite and obviously we’re in a different meta.

Everything in this guide is totally my opinion so no hateful comments please if I talk about a card here which you love….

Without further ado, let’s get on with the guide! 🙂

mega knight

Top 5 Overrated Cards in Clash Royale!

Clash Royale Bandit

#5 – Bandit

banditThis gal has been used in a lot of decks since her dash initiation buff.

Back in the last Bridge Spam meta, she was SO strong coupled with the Battle Ram (which has also unfortunately been nerfed). But she’s a really squishy troop, with moderate HP only.

I believe people use her because she’s a 3-Elixir legendary with a dash…which seems very appealing to people.

At tourney standards the Bandit has 780 HP, which is more than a glass Cannon but less than a mini-tank, with similar HP to the Night Witch.

She’s also easily countered. Her DPS is low and can’t one-shot tourney level Goblins with her regular attack, which makes her an easy target for positive Elixir trades.

She is vulnerable to any cheap swarms, cheap buildings (e.g. Cannon and Tombstone, which shuts her down pretty easily.

Around my trophy range (2900-3000) there isn’t much Bandit action going around because it’s only unlocked in Arena 9 or in legendary chests from lower arenas, but personally I think she’s really easy to counter no matter which tank or mini-tank she’s paired with.

My deck hard counters Miner Bandit, Golem Bandit, Hog Bandit…because I have Inferno Tower which basically hard counters all of that.

Clash Royale Elite Barbarians

#4 Elite Barbarians 

elite barbariansThis damaging duo has been around for a long time now.

They used to be really overpowered because of over leveling but now many people have figured out how to easily and cheaply counter them for a positive Elixir trade. BUT- on TV Royale I have seen so many E-Barbarians still running around in Hog Mountain and Jungle Arena.

Overleveling with Royal Giant is a much bigger problem because it buffs his damage and hit points massively for guaranteed damage but with E-Barbarians I don’t see the fuss about overleveling.

They are negative-trade makers. Even Guards (a very underused and underrated card) can counter them. You can counter it with Skeleton Army, Goblin Gang, Knight+ Ice Spirit (in my deck), etc. etc..

It’s just really easy to counter them now and even with a Valkyrie tanking for them you can easily counter them with something to distract the Valk and something swarmy like the aforementioned.

If they DO connect to your Tower, it’s a massive problem but there are so many ways you can deal with them before them reaching your Tower.

In my opinion they aren’t reliable as a win condition unlike many people think (*ahem* Salty Ladder FTW!) because they don’t target buildings and even with their fast move speed they have a pretty slow attack speed (1.5 secs).

Also, E-Barbarians aren’t great tank killers, due to their high cost and slow attack speed and how easily they will die from back-end support troops.

Clash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.A

#3 Mini P.E.K.K.A

mini pekkaEver since the Mini P.E.K.K.A’s damage was buffed it’s now used in a lot of meta decks like Elemental Bow, Hog Lightning Control, and Golem decks. But I still think Lumberjack is much better.

It kills back end support troops easily but Mini P.E.K.K.A is often used to kill tanks – and many decks rely on the Mini P.E.K.K.A to kill tanks.

Mini P.E.K.K.A has higher damage than the Lumberjack but it doesn’t kill tanks faster enough and in my opinion Inferno Tower is much much better in tank killing.

In my opinion Mini P.E.K.K.A isn’t a very reliable tank killer due to the glass cannons shredding him down quickly.

Simple 1-Elixir Skeletons turn him into pancakes and it’s extremely hard to get him to the Tower against skilled players if you’re using him in a counter-attack.

It has one of the best, if not the best DPS for a single-target melee unit but its role that people use them in (tank killing) is not effective.

Lumberjack is much more threatening as it is faster and drops a Rage spell when he dies, so he works much better in Golem decks, raging the Golem when he dies.

Mini P.E.K.K.A just can’t give that pressure that Lumberjack does.

Also, even though Mini P.E.K.K.A is a rare, he needs to be overleveled in order to work well to get enough damage and HP, and since he is a Rare it takes a lot longer to request and obtain cards from chests to upgrade.

Clash Royale Giant

#2 Giant 

giantThis 5-Elixir tank is a staple in beatdown decks- the first real tank you obtain when you start the game.

People in lower arenas have a lot of trouble cuz they don’t have Inferno Tower or Dragon, which are the most no-brainer counters to the Giant, and they don’t know about proper building placements.

Many people still use it, but I really don’t see the point. Even though Giant is the cheapest tank, it’s not a good starting move, because 5 Elixir is too expendable to use at the beginning of the match.

For some reason Giant is used a lot still in light beatdown when I believe the Golem is still better.

Firstly, Golem decks are often very heavy and have pumps, and since Golem has a lot more HP it’s easier to build an unstoppable push.

You can stop a Giant with a Cannon but for Golem decks Inferno Tower is best, and the support troops behind the Golem (e.g. swarms) can distract and kill the Inferno Tower in a jiffy.

Giant decks just can’t really cut it in high arenas in my opinion because it is too easy to counter.

Clash Royale Mega Knight

#1 Mega Knight

mega knightWhat can I say?

This new card isn’t even out to the public yet but I can already see many flaws of the Mega Knight.

Everybody in the community is saying he’s OP and I bet there’s a flurry of decks people are writing with the Mega Knight.

I have to admit, when I first heard of the Mega Knight before the update, I thought he was really OP because he was a 7-Elixir tank with medium speed and splash damage and insane spawn and jump damage.

But really as I’ve developed more in the past few months as a player, I found a bunch of things that make the Mega Knight not as OP as everybody thinks.

First of all, his HP isn’t all that good. It only has about the same health as a Giant (coincidentally no. 2 on my list) and it doesn’t even target buildings.

Mega Knight is a tank but he has a medium speed and jumps so he’ll just get away from the support troops too quickly, so he can’t be used as a tank in beatdown.

He’s a very awkward card because he is tanky but isn’t used as a tank. He’s also very expensive for the damage output he provides.

P.E.K.K.A is much better than Mega Knight because it does like 3x the damage of Mega Knight’s regular attack. The Mega Knight’s DPS is pathetic. Because P.E.K.K.A is an Epic, she is much easier to upgrade.

Even a simple Knight can do a very good job of cleaning up the Mega Knight if the Tower is helping and the Mega Knight is on his regular attack. P.E.K.K.A melts MK and also is actually viable as a tank.

Mega Knight is more of a support troop but he’s so expensive that he doesn’t really do a good job as a support troop.

In my opinion the huge HP doesn’t actually help. Mega Knight would be much better if he had less HP and therefore became cheaper in Elixir.

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Thank you so much for reading my article, I hope you enjoyed! Don’t be salty if your favorite card is here, and stay tuned for more guides (If I have the ideas :))

Mortar Rocket FTW says bye!

(̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)̄

Golem Sparky – The Most Insane Hybrid Deck Ever! (Click-bait)

golem sparky

Salutations to everyone here on Clash.World! It’s me, Supermarine, here to present you an insane Golem Sparky Deck that my good friend and Beatdown expert HeroCow used to defy the odds and get third in a 500 man tourney (not to mention reaching Master III)!

I decided to use it and got 12 wins, and only 1 loss in a Classic Challenge, and second in a 100 man tourney!

So anyway, let’s get into this monstrosity of a deck!

golem sparky

Clash Royale GolemClash Royale SparkyClash Royale TornadoClash Royale Executioner
Clash Royale TeslaClash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale BatsClash Royale Zap

double witch analytics

The Deck

Clash Royale GolemGolem: This menacing rock brute is the main tank of the deck. His high health will allow Sparky to get many shots on anything and everything on the ground.

In addition, he deals splash damage upon death, killing Minions and other ground/air swarms and really hurting anything else.

But the Golem’s most unique aspect are the Golemites. These smaller Golems keep tanking for other units for a little while longer, making a push two times as deadly (because there are two Golemites). Both explosions from Golemites can also kill Skeletons and Bats if both death splashes make contact.

Clash Royale SparkySparky: She hasn’t been seeing much use (apart from the time Nemsensei used a Giant Skeleton Sparky deck in the Crown Championship). Here, she is your main win condition, and secondary tank.

Blasts almost everything she sees into an Elixir bloodbath, and best when behind the Golem.

Like Golem, she is capable of soaking up quite a bit of damage before going down.

Defensively, she synergizes well with Tornado to take out lots of glass cannons and ground swarms, including the notorious Three Musketeers.

Overall, Sparky is a very well rounded, but risky, card to play on both offense and defense, and each shot is VERY rewarding!

Clash Royale ExecutionerExecutioner: The ultimate form of aerial crowd control.

Protects Sparky from the air troops she knows and hates. Combined with Tornado, he is an extremely deadly card (who doesn’t know that by now), and again, best behind Golem.

He may have trouble with higher hitpoint mini tanks, but we can deal with those using something else!

Clash Royale TornadoTornado: Self-explanatory.

Does everything ranging from helping Executioner to pulling to the King Tower, no doubt this is one of the most popular spells in the game!

Clash Royale ZapZap: Again, self explanatory.

Kills swarms (Sparky hates those too), and resets Inferno.

Clash Royale Goblin GangGoblin Gang: The Furious Five of Clash Royale! They help stop powerful cards such as Princes, Night Witches and Mini P.E.K.K.As.

Their high DPS allows them to keep Inferno Dragon at bay, and big tanks will without a doubt be whittled down a lot, with P.E.K.K.A and Giant Skeleton having the most trouble!

They also pose as Spell Bait and a good Electro Wizard counter (Sparky is triggered by his presence). Like Sparky, they are a very well-rounded card.

Clash Royale BatsBats: Adorable. But they’re still dangerous! And they’ve been made even more dangerous now that there’s five of them!

Their DPS is above average for just 2 Elixir, killing mini tanks, like those annoying Valkyries, Rams and Knights crossing the bridge, and also Princesses (wait for her to lock onto Tower).

They also provide good Spell Bait, meaning that if they get Zapped, Sparky will (probably) still shoot.

They provide tons of value for an insanely low cost, making them very useful!

Clash Royale TeslaTesla: Yes, you heard me correctly. Tesla is in the deck.

Now I bet you’re wondering why someone like HeroCow would be using a Tesla in a Beatdown deck (I used Inferno Tower), but actually, there’s a more than practical reason!

It allows other troops to kill air units like Balloon very effectively! It also counters Hog Rider for a neutral trade, meaning that you won’t be at as much of a disadvantage after an aggressive Hog push!

It also damages mini tanks for (most likely) a neutral trade, allowing you to save your Gang or Bats on a deadlier troop.

Unlike other buildings, it can’t be cleared out in advance by spells, because it will be safe underground. Overall, Tesla should be seeing more use because of its hidden potential, and a good card to have in this deck.

Viable Substitutions:

Clash Royale Executionerekf9WOpClash Royale WitchClash Royale WizardClash Royale Baby Dragon

Clash Royale Batsekf9WOpClash Royale Minions

Clash Royale Teslaekf9WOpClash Royale Inferno Tower

General Gameplay:

This deck is a hybrid between Beatdown and Spell Bait.

Your main priority will definitely be to get Sparky to the Arena Tower and have it shoot.

ExeNado will be very good for crowd control and can clear the way for your Sparky push.

Once Double Elixir hits, you will definitely want to unleash madness, and perform push after push after push, while still keeping Elixir in reserve for defense.


Clash Royale GiantGiant:

Tesla can hold its own against Giant, though you will need to use your Gang or Bats to help kill it. ExeNado is great for keeping Giant away and killing support.

Clash Royale GraveyardGraveyard:

You only have swarms to counter the Graveyard, which is a problem. Before you go complain to Supercell that your game is rigged, use your Executioner to keep spawned Skeletons at bay. THEN use swarms if you absolutely have to.

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AP.E.K.K.A:

The Tesla variant has issues, but keep your head held high! Tesla combined with Gang and Bats is good against P.E.K.K.A. You can also use Sparknado to deal huge damage as well. With the Inferno Tower variant (the one I use) use Inferno plus some bait cards to protect it.

Clash Royale Three MusketeersThree Musketeers:

It depends on what your opponent does with them. If they’re together, Sparky. If split, Sparky on two and Bats on one. Use Tornado if necessary, and attempt a counter push.

Clash Royale Hog RiderHog:

The Tesla variant fares well against the Hog, as Tesla counters him for an even trade. Against Hog cycles, you will want to expand any counter you have against him.

Clash Royale GolemGolem:

Again, Inferno Tower works better against a big tank like Golem. Be aware of Lightning, as you can use the Goblin Gang as well. Sparknado works too, as Sparky deals huge damage and survives Lightning.

Clash Royale Goblin GangSpell Bait:

Use your Tornado and Zap wisely against Barrels, Gangs, and Princesses. Tesla and Bats also work against Princess, as she will not attack a Tesla until she moves into firing range. With Bats, wait until she locks onto Tower, then deploy them.

Clash Royale Lava HoundLava Hound:

You have a (small) chance with the Inferno Tower version, but with Tesla variant, please tell Supercell that your game is rigged. Oh, and also rage quit.

Is this deck good for 2v2?

Absolutely! This deck synergizes well with tons of defensive decks, and it will be even easier to perform Sparky pushes!

So that’s all for this monstrosity!

Leave a comment if you enjoyed it, or have anything to suggest! Supermarine out!

Double P.E.K.K.A w/ Cannon Cart – Insane Anti-Meta Deck!

double pekka

Hello Clash.World! Supermarine here with my first ever guide on Clash Royale Arena, the Double P.E.K.K.A deck!

Now, we all know that the new meta consists of lots of Golem Beatdown, 3M, and Siege. But now, I have formulated a deck that can counter it all! Behold, Double P.E.K.K.A Cannon Cart!

double pekka

Double P.E.K.K.A w/ Cannon Cart

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Cannon CartClash Royale Ice Wizard
Clash Royale TornadoClash Royale ZapClash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale Tombstone

double witch analytics

The Deck

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AP.E.K.K.A: She is the main tank of the deck and counters just about almost anything in the current meta right now, ranging from Golem to Ram to 3M.

She deals very high damage, meaning you can use her as a win condition.

P.E.K.K.A is also very useful as a tank for other cards such as Mini P.E.K.K.A, Mega Minion, Cannon Cart, or Ice Wizard.

The best strategy for this card is to use her as a reactive play rather than an investment. This allows you to counter push with her.

Clash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AMini P.E.K.K.A: The miniature version of his (yes, he is a dude) big sister.

After his buff, he is a very strong card, even stronger than Night Witch!

He only allows one Hog shot, shreds right through cancer cards, and absolutely destroys X-Bow and 3M splits!

On offense, he does high damage to towers, just like P.E.K.K.A, so he can also be used as a win condition, which gives you the option of doing cheap Mini P.E.K.K.A Ice Wizard or MP Zap pushes.

Again, he is very useful as a reactive play to maximize defensive potential.

Clash Royale Cannon CartCannon Cart: Poor Cannon Cart! It isn’t seeing any popularity (yet)! And that’s a shame, because it’s really good!

It works great against Elite Barbarians, as it will kill them both with some health left, and it is capable of soaking up Fireball and Poison and still be able to move!

On offense, it can almost take a whole Tower if left ignored!

However, the best way to use this card is with Tombstone. If there’s a Golem headed toward the Tombstone, place Cannon Cart behind it. Then, if they use their Lightning, Cannon Cart will convert into a Cannon, still kiting the Golem! Its shield hitpoints combined with its normal hitpoints make it a very good asset in battle!

Clash Royale Ice WizardIce Wizard: His recent buff has made him extremely strong for swarm control on offense and defense.

He one-shots tournament level Skeletons and Bats, and also three-shots tournament level Minions. He also slows targets, meaning the Arena Towers and their troops will have a harder time killing your troops. Overall, he is a very expendable troop and can be used in any situation.

Clash Royale TornadoTornado:

Pretty self-explanatory. Use it with Ice Wizard to make a cheaper version of ExeNado. Also use it to pull troops to the King Tower to activate it, helping in defense.

Clash Royale ZapZap: Also a self-explanatory card.

Kills swarms and resets Inferno.

Clash Royale Mega MinionMega Minion: Your anti-air high damage unit.

He can really bully Baby Dragon and Lava Hound, and kills Inferno Dragon when paired with Zap.

Also use it against glass cannons such as Wizard, and other ranged units such as Executioner.

Clash Royale TombstoneTombstone: Your building.

Use it to kite building targeting troops such as Hog Rider and Giant. It pairs very well with Cannon Cart, as mentioned in that  section.

Overall, very self explanatory.

General Gameplay:

3:00 – 2:00:

Start slow. Wait for the opponent to attack, then defend and counter push. If something expensive is placed in the back (Golem, MK, etc), then punish them with Mini P.E.K.K.A or Cannon Cart!

2:00 – 1:00:

Keep counter pushing and control the tempo of the fight until Double Elixir hits.

Double Elixir – End:

Unleash madness!

Place Ice Wizards and Mega Minions in the back to invest, then press the Tower of your choice and take it out. Watch out for anything dropped at the bridge, so still keep some Elixir in reserve for defense!


Clash Royale GiantGiant Beatdown:

P.E.K.K.A and the mini version both work well against the Giant. You can also Tornado him into the middle to have both Arena Towers attack it.

Clash Royale GolemGolem Beatdown:

Tombstone+Cannon Cart is your anti-Lightning defense. Also be sure to use Mini P.E.K.K.A to kill the rest of Golem and the resulting Golemites. Or, just use big P.E.K.K.A with Mega Minion to kill support.

Clash Royale Lava HoundLava Hound:

Quite hard. Use Mega Minion to kill anything behind Hound, then use Ice Wizard to slow it down so Mega Minion can catch up and kill it. It can soak damage from Pups as well.

Clash Royale Hog RiderHog:

Tombstone, Tornado, and Mini P.E.K.K.A all work well against the Hog Rider. Hog cycles shouldn’t be a problem, as you have four different counters to this card (Tombstone, Tornado, Mega Minion, Mini P.E.K.K.A).

Clash Royale Three Musketeers3M:

P.E.K.K.A works well against these three when they’re all together. She one-shots them, and allows a counter push capability. If they 3M split, then use Mini P.E.K.K.A on the side with two and Mega Minion on the one, and Tombstone to deal with Ram.

Clash Royale X-BowSiege:

The easiest matchup. Both P.E.K.K.As and Cannon Cart can kill X-Bow. Against Mortar, Cannon Cart is your best option, but don’t place it too close, as you could be placing the CC in the dead zone, therefore risking unnecessary Tower damage!

Clash Royale Goblin GangSpell Bait:

Icenado. Yes, I said Icenado. This combo does very well against most Spell Bait. Zap Goblin Barrels and you’re golden! You can also choose to use Ice Wizard alone and Tornado the Barrels to engage the King.

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AP.E.K.K.A:

Use you own P.E.K.K.A only as a last resort. Tombstone and Ice Wizard excel at keeping the P.E.K.K.A distracted, and Mini P.E.K.K.A and Mega Minion are very good support killers. Be sure to use Zap or Icenado on any swarms!

Clash Royale Mega KnightMega Knight:

You have TONS of MK counters. There’s literally no way you can lose. However, they may also have P.E.K.K.A. Use your own P.E.K.K.A combined with Ice Wizard to slow MK’s attack speed, and Tornado to keep opposing P.E.K.K.A away for a while. Then, use Mega Minion to kill the P.E.K.K.A. An alternative could be to use Cannon Cart on Mega Knight, then counter P.E.K.K.A with P.E.K.K.A. Use Zap where necessary.

So that’s all on this insane anti-meta deck! Leave a comment if you want more decks from me, and let me know if you want me to feature something of your choice! Supermarine out!

Ramp Up Challenge – Best Tips for Getting 9 Wins

ramp up challenge

ramp up challenge

Best Tips for Getting 9 Wins at Ramp Up Challenge

As the Elixir Regen Speed increases after every minute, the battle will transform from a slow-pace to a very fast-paced battle and the rate of cards that will be placed down is gonna be high.

So, you should change your playstyle as each minute passes, from passive to aggressive to super aggressive.

During 2x and 3x Elixir time, always pay attention to your elixir bar.

NEVER stay at 10 elixir for more than a second. As you gain elixir quickly, you may actually lose a lot of elixir, being at elixir disadvantage.

Don’t worry about not having enough elixir for defense as you can gain enough quickly.

Go on offensive mode!!! This game mode is for aggressive, beat down, 3 crowns wins and not for passive, control, 1 crown wins. Over-committing on offense is gonna be the key to victory in this challenge.

Focus on the meta!!!

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AThe current very popular card is the P.E.K.K.A. and since in this challenge players can place her a lot faster, she is gonna be quite popular.

So, consider adding counters to P.E.K.K.A. in your deck.

Deck-Building Tips

In Ramp Up Challenge, you need to create a deck from your own card collection. It’s recommended to use cards not lower than the Tournament Cap (9/7/4/1) otherwise you will get a huge disadvantage.

Recommended Win Conditions

Clash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale GiantClash Royale BalloonClash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale GolemClash Royale GraveyardClash Royale Mega Knight

The Win-conditions for this challenge should be able to deal high amount of damage.

You shouldn’t use chip damage-dealers (e.g. Miner) as your main Win-condition but they can of course be used as the Secondary Win-conditions. The cost of your win-condition isn’t really that important because during x3 Elixir time you can play  expensive cards quickly.

Recommended heavy cards

Clash Royale RocketClash Royale LightningClash Royale SparkyClash Royale Lava HoundClash Royale Mega Knight

Your battle decks should generally have a few heavier cards. With more elixir net , you can place them quickly and use them for the full potential. These cards can include spells as well as heavy spells deal more amount of damage.

Don’t forget cycling cards!

Clash Royale SkeletonClash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale BatsClash Royale Fire SpiritsClash Royale Goblin

Your deck should have 1 to 2 cheap cycling cards as well. This is because you will be able to move lightning-fast through your cards and place other heavier troops/win-conditions more no. of times.


Clash Royale Night WitchClash Royale WitchClash Royale Goblin HutClash Royale Barbarian HutClash Royale Tombstone

This type of cards is always great in x2 and x3 Elixir challenge.

The reason behind this is that you will be able to place down more spawners which in turn will produce more troops, making your pushes stronger.

Splash Damaging Cards

Clash Royale WizardClash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale The LogClash Royale ZapClash Royale PoisonClash Royale TornadoClash Royale fireball

Cards which provide clearance and in turn give high value are absolutely necessary because of the high number of troops on the map. 2 such cards are recommended.

Spells are needed in this challenge. Spell cycle can become a great source of damage as well as give lot of value as they can take care of big number of troops.

As such, you should base your deck on strong card combos and synergies rather than focusing on a single card.

The reason is, a single card will have a tough time as people can counter it pretty easily while Strong Card combos say Golem Graveyard Tornado Poison will be very strong as you will be able to place them down very easily and almost every time during 3x elixir.

Best deck type for Ramp Up Challenge

  1. Beatdown decks are gonna be so strong in this challenge as they can make the most of the high amount of elixir to form the unstoppable pushes.
  2. Control decks are gonna be OK. Even though they can’t really form threatening pushes, they can actually be decent enough to stop the high amount of Beatdown decks in the challenge.
  3. Cycle decks are gonna be great as well because they will be able to cycle Hogs and other win-conditions really fast. However, you should remember to form a great defensive combo along with the cycle decks because the beatdown users will simple overpower the meager defenses of a normal cycle deck.
  4. Siege decks will have a really hard time as there will be a lot of of distraction for the buildings from Beatdown decks. So, I don’t recommend anyone to use Siege decks.

Best Decks for Ramp Up Challenge

P.E.K.K.A. Hog Rider

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale Electro Wizard
Clash Royale PoisonClash Royale ZapClash Royale BatsClash Royale Goblin

A pretty strong Hog cycle deck with the powerful defense of P.E.K.K.A. and eWiz, This meta deck is probably the strongest deck for this challenge.

You can cycle hogs pretty fast and you have the ultimate tank killer along with the best Legendary atm to help you win.

Mega Hog

Clash Royale Mega KnightClash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale Inferno Dragon
Clash Royale GoblinClash Royale BatsClash Royale LightningClash Royale Zap

For those skilled players out there who successfully unlocked MK, please give this deck a try!

You have deadly IG-Hog-Bats-Gobs deadly cycle combo for offense. While MK as swarm clearer on defence that doubles as a tank and threat on offense. Inferno Dragon for the ultimate tank killer aka the P.E.K.K.A. while Lightning and Zap help to clear out those eWiz and Bats that distract him while doing his job.

P.E.K.K.A. Bridge Spam

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale BanditClash Royale Electro Wizard
Clash Royale PoisonClash Royale ZapClash Royale BatsClash Royale Archers

Bridge Spam is dead? Try this deck out!

A powerful Control-Beatdown Hybrid this deck is another great option for all Ram lovers. Having powerful defensive control aspect while having the ability to form unstoppable pushes just makes this deck super good.

Golem Graveyard

Clash Royale GolemClash Royale GraveyardClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale Poison
Clash Royale TornadoClash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale BatsClash Royale Tombstone

This combo was too strong in the Triple Elixir Challenge and IMO its gonna be super strong in this challenge as well.

Even though the Popular P.E.K.K.A. is a hard counter to Golem and Graveyard is not in a good state right now, what chance your opponent has of winning if you have a massive push going on along with 2 Golems and GY Poison on opponent’s tower? Good Game!

Basic Infomation:

  • The Ramp Up Challenge can be played from 1st September till 3rd September. On the other hand, Friendly Ramp Up Challenge Battles can be played with your friends and clanmates from 31st August till 3rd
  • The specialty of this challenge is that after every minute in the main duration of the battle the rate of elixir been gained will change from 1x elixir ( 1 elixir per 2.8 sec) to 2x elixir ( 1 elixir per 1.4 sec) to 3x elixir ( 1 elixir per 0.9 sec)!
  • In this challenge, you will need create a deck from your own Card Collection. So, you won’t be able to play with the cards you haven’t unlocked yet.
  • The Challenge has 1 free entry and after that each entry will cost only 10 gems. This means you will have a lot more tries for getting 9 wins.


Number of Wins Total Prize One Time Rewards
Gold Cards
0 130 2
1 180 3
2 240 5
3 310 8  1,000 Gold
4 390 12
5 480 17  2,500 Gold
6 590 23
7 720 30  3 Epic Cards
8 880 38
9 1,100 50  Giant Chest

That’s all folks! Hope you guys enjoyed reading this guide and successfully get the 9 wins!

How to deal with Bad Manners (BM)


Bad Manners can really change the way you play Clash Royale, usually for the worse. After a string of being BM-ed, your phone is in mortal danger. Thus, in the words of the wise Hydraulic Press Channel, “We must deal with it”.


What is BM?

In Clash Royale, BM tends to mean spammed emotes rudely so the opponent would get upset.

This normally causes you to tilt and lose a lot. This is one thing that you must know how to deal with to become a successful Clash Royale player.

In this guide I will show you five methods for dealing with BM.

mute button clash royale


One of the most simple ways of blocking BM. The emotes won’t be able to get to you with this amazing filter.

As soon as your opponent starts spamming rude emotes then just mute them right away. DON’T WAIT!

If I face a player like 2 levels higher than me, and he starts the game by saying “Good Game” then I will mute them right away.

If you wait, you can be upset by the emotes you have already seen before you mute them.

This can really affect you during the battle really giving your opponent a huge advantage.

Your opponent can now get a legitimate excuse to say “Thanks” after you lose.


Deflecting the emotes

I think that this is the most effective way to deal with BM.

I must confess that I used to be a BMer when I was a level 1 and I beat level 9 players. Whenever my opponent did this, it took all of the fun out of BMing.

All you have to do is put a thumbs up and a laughing face after you either make a mistake lose a tower or the game if they start BMing. Make sure you spam the thumbs up emote.

As the BMer, you will feel like your BM has no purpose and you are just wasting time because you are not gaining any advantage or anger from your opponent.

If you want, put the Oops emote.


Punishing your opponent

Okay, so this method is not the best for me but it may work for some of you.

All you have to do is simply ignore the emotes.

When I used to be a BMer, I would sometimes get no reaction from my opponent even if they haven’t muted. Instead of being bothered, they punish me for spamming emotes by sending a prince or lumberjack down the lane while I was too busy being rude. After you punish your opponent, you can BM.

This is definitely not the best way to deal with the problem in my opinion, but it may work for you.

Being a good guy

Okay, this is very important.

Let’s say that your opponent takes one of your towers, and they say “Good game”, “Well played”, “Thanks”, “Oops”, and he puts a crying emo. Use one of my methods above, and deal with it.

Instead of being upset, you should say “Well played” after a good play made by your opponent.

If you end up winning the game, say “Good Game”, and “Good luck” to your opponent. This will make your opponent regret BMing causing a more peaceful Clash Royale.

Stay away from the Well played button here if you win because your opponent may think that it is sarcasm.

Remember, two wrongs DO NOT make right.

How to watch replays filled with BM.

Simple, put something over where the emotes come out with. Something like a postcard or your fat finger wwould work, or you can just ignore the emotes.

Ending Notes

I hope you liked my guide and I am sorry if it is too short but I worked really hard on this.

Please help make Clash Royale better by not BMing. I am sorry that I have no video for this guide. Please check out my channel though.

Well played to all who will listen and oops to all of you who don’t. Bye guys.


99 Reasons Why You Should Use The Cannon Cart!

cannon cart clash royale

Don’t forget that Cannon Cart is one of the most underrated cards in Clash Royale…

cannon cart clash royale

Why You Should Use Cannon Cart

Cart is the biggest range damage dealer

A single shot from the cart does more damage than any single shot from a ranged unit. It’s like a mini pekka had a baby with an archer. A Miparcher. Okay, I left out Sparky, sparky is…special.

It’s medium health

Unlike the Wizard or the Dart Goblin, it has health that rings in around the Musketeer. NO WAIT IT HAS A SHIELD Losing the shield immobilizes it, but it keeps kicking, making it a great defensive unit.

It (sometimes) counts as a defense

It’s annoying to deal with the transition, because it’s difficult to manage. But that said, sometimes it distracts a hog, or a giant, or a golem at really clutch moments.

It cannot be ignored

Leaving one of these alone will cost you 90% of a tower. Don’t do it! In some ways this card really resembles the Elite Barbarians. Fast, high damage, and a really brutal punisher. Not the one with the sleeveless skull T-Shirt, the one with a cannon ….on wheels.

It’s basically a Dart Goblin with a helmet

If a Dart Goblin is an Elite spear goblin, then Cannon Cart is the Elite Dart Goblin. Only with a cooler helmet, because it has wheels.

It’s Spell Proof

Fireball, Lightning, Rocket, no matter what you cast, the Cannon Cart will survive with at least half-health, and get a few good shots in.

It’s a good counter-card

Dart Goblin chips things down and things and goes on to chip the tower. This can counter a knight, or valkyrie, or goblin gang and go one to wreck the tower.

Stat Value
Shield 696
HP 696
DPS 169
DMG Per Shot 203
Move Speed Fast
Range 5.5

When Do I take The Cannon Cart?

The cart kills things fast. It can act as an expensive chip damage, or a secondary win condition.

The frailness of ranged units can be a real issue, if you want to take the tower out, so it should probably not be the primary way you deal damage.

It should be the thing you use to counter things, but is also medium strong at chipping or wrecking a tower.

Cards That Do the Same Thing

Card Differences Takeaway
Musketeer Half the health, costs 1 less, slower, and can target air If you’re light on air-counters, musketeer is better. If you want to do slow build-up pushes, then pick our purple sharpshooter. Otherwise, the double, spell-proof health, coupled with the higher damage (but not DPS making even higher level goblins and guards 1 shots) makes the cart a better option. This is less true in Challenges/Tournaments, because there’s never a risk of level disadvantage.
Dart Goblin Lower DPS, much lower health, while considerably cheaper, targets air, and outranges defense Pick the dart goblin if you need more cycle power, or if you need an air defense. But Dartolomew’s abilities are limited by his vulnerability to every spell under the sun. You’ll play the two very similarly on defense though, tucked away in a pocket to avoid damage. Then they go on offense and Cannon cart demands an answer, but is more expensive, while Dart Goblin can be ignored or weakly answered.
Archers Weak, air targeting, cheap, multiple unit that can be split If you need an answer to Graveyard, the archers are better, if you need an answer to minions, archers are better. If you need an answer to bowler, or even baby dragon, prefer cannon cart.

The cards Cannon Carts are Best at Killing Canno-A-Cardo

Clash Royale Ice SpiritOne and 2 elixir cards

I’ma lump them all together, because yes, it’s great at countering them all, except Bats, because it can’t target bats, dummy! You don’t get much of a positive trade, but it is better than playing a card without countering anything!

Absorb a spirit, or blow away goblins, it can do the job, just ask it.

Clash Royale KnightThe Knight (-2)

Tucked deep inside your base, the cannon balls will fester deep inside the knights belly until a full blown elixomorph bursts out, killing him dead and then eventually impregnating the whole crew until you break out what looks like some kind of forklift suit.

OR it kills the knight (even over-level ones) and goes to attack the enemy.

Clash Royale Dart GoblinDart Goblin(-2)

Eats a lot of the shield up, but if you play it with enough lead time to wake up, El Darto gets his face blown off an your enemy has to deal with the rest of the cannon.

Clash Royale TombstoneTombstone (-2)

This pain in the ass, it’s a good way to park your cart and stall for elixir. The cart moves very fast, and it can be a problem building a force with a cart.

Clash Royale Skeleton ArmySkeleton Army (-2)

The brittle bonehead brigade can do some real damage. But while not a perfect answer, the cannon cart is a good way to set up a counter push without suffering much damage. Park it back by the king tower, so it can gnaw off a bunch of the skeletons while your tower does the rest. Very little damage, and a cannon cart.

Clash Royale Goblin GangGoblin Gang(-2)

Cannon Carts cannonballs crush craving cowardly Goblins. Tuck back to set up a counter push, each blast will blow away a blaggard and the cart will go on to counter attack!

Clash Royale Goblin BarrelGoblin Barrel(-2)

Stashed by the tower, the cart can cannibalize …or cannonballize if you prefer, a goblin each shot. So pick the bottom outside (the towers always start on the king-side) and you can basically prevent everything but one stab. It’s a great way to set up a counter play, with a fairly healthy cannon cart.

Clash Royale BanditBandit(-2)

Not a great play, but it can keep her stabness from dealing any real damage to your tower.

It will leave your cart blocked on your side of the map, which buys you ten to twenty seconds, that’s all you get for your elixir waste!

Clash Royale ArchersArchers(-2)

Pinky and the Brain will shoot down the cannon cart’s shield if you use it as a distraction. But played so that they both shoot each other at the same time, you’ll end up with the tiny sliver of health that makes the cannon cart worth it.

He can’t ignore it or the last stand effect kicks on and chews up hundreds of tower-health.

Clash Royale Ice WizardIce Wizard(-2)

Ichabod the Icicle is a cold bastard, but he really fails in the hurting people department, the cannon wins, and then shoots things, like Ichabod’s buddies.

Clash Royale GuardsGuards(-2)

Barry, Other Barry, and Ted really tend to last a while. Not against project Boom Pony. It’s like he was specifically designed to ruin them.

And they were just finally happy to see some play, after Pekka got popular.

Clash Royale Hog RiderHog(-1)

This will cost you 1 or two hits on the tower. Bacon Bits will die a lot faster, and there aren’t many good ways to counter the cart for cheap.

This ends up being a positive trade.

Clash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AMini Pekka(-1)

If the mini is out front, tuck safely away to kill off the pekka before it hits the tower. If there’s more interesting things in play, use as a distraction and start adding things as needed.

Clash Royale FurnaceFurnace(-1)

Kills, and does some chip damage. Wait until one of the burny balls is coming at you, or your cart will take advantage of the tower to face-dive one of the fire spirits.

Why you ask? Be….becuase okay?

Clash Royale LumberjackLumberjerk(-1)

Tuck deep.


Clash Royale Electro WizardElectro Wizard(-1)

Used as a distraction, the cart will win out, and then deal some chip damage (or at least force your opponent to spend more).

It’s not a huge win, but ALL HAIL OJ

Clash Royale Dark PrinceDark Prince(-1)

One of those leaky damage defenses, he’ll damage the tower, but you get a serious counter offensive.

Clash Royale ValkyrieValkyrie(-1)

Basically a redheaded knight, but you win even better!


Clash Royale Baby DragonBaby Dragon(-1)

Wait until li’l Tim Tim walks into tower range, and use the PROJECT REDACTED as a distraction.

The cart can take a few hits, walk into shooting range and deal some real damage while the tower shoots the dragon to death.

Clash Royale BarbariansBarbarians(=)

Tuck deep, and just let the tower do its work. It’ll keep you from suffering much at the burly blondie barbies.

Clash Royale WizardWizard(=)

Kills fast, and returns an attack, or at least defends for a few seconds longer.


Clash Royale GiantGiant(=)

It won’t keep your tower damage free, but the Gargantuan Goon does a dozen less damage if injury is inserted into the insufferable ignoramus.

Clash Royale ExecutionerExecutioner(=)

It’s a fairly even trade. Well placed you’ll get a sliver of health to kill his tower with.


Clash Royale Goblin HutGoblin Hut(=)

Killing goblins in 1 hit certainly has its advantages, but there’s not really a lot of call to kill Goblin Huts right now. Still, if it ever comes back you’ll know who to call. Ghost Busters!…. No? Anybody?


Clash Royale BowlerBowler(=)

Wait till the tower locks on, then bombard the belligerent blue bumbus with ball after booming ball. Then, and only then, will splashyard learn its place.

Clash Royale SparkySparky(+1)

Sparky loves to go boom. But you see, sparky hates shields. Use the shield, and there’s not really any Sparky left.

Clash Royale Royal GiantRoyal Giant(+1)

You’ll suffer some damage, but the DPS power of your cannon cohort will conserve a lot of HP and create a counter.

Clash Royale Giant SkeletonGiant Skeleton(+1)

Superlarry is pretty high on nitro, so he doesn’t notice when you lure him to the core of your base and two towers, a cannon and whatever else eat his face? That’s pretty freakin’ high. Don’t do drugs kids. You’ll end up a skeleton with a bomb.

Clash Royale Barbarian HutBarbarian Hut(+2)

Cannons kill barbs pretty good. Cannons on wheels kill like, a bagrillion barbs. Don’t barb it. Don’t Barb it, man!

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.APekka(+2)

Pekka doesn’t die fast, and the cannon cart will not get you there. BUT a cannon cart will get you there with a distraction. Even something like Skeletons, will be enough.

Clash Royale Mega KnightMega Knight(+2)

Hey… see the gif below


Clash Royale GolemGolem(+3)

It won’t kill a golem, but it shortens the life considerably, and can do a lot on the support troops.

Sometimes this is a “you’ll take one tower, but not get 3 crowns” type play. Better than losing!



Place the slow tank first. Project Pony Moves fast. Cannon Cart should be a defensive play, or the last step in your beatdown push.


Let It Rip Cannon Cart is an excellent defensive play, that allows you a lot of powerful counter-attacks. This fits control decks who have room for pressure plays.

Don’t try to add it to my slow-moving Too Many Legendary Deck because the only card in that deck that plays nicely is the miner. The fast move speed is a drawback on defense. You want to use it in ways that can counter-attack quickly.


Known by its haters as the Bridge Spam playstyle, fast move-cards scream Tempo.

If it has more than Goblin’s health, it gets pretty deadly.

Just look at Elite Barbs. Cannon Cart can be spambused at the bridge. It will deal a thousand damage unless they defend well.

BOOM PONY is the perfect blend of control and Tempo playstyle. Powerful defense, must-answer counter-attack.


The heavy plink damage, and moderate tankiness make it a good card to either block for, or counter-and-return a lot of the things that might be used to kill your siege unit.


Clash Royale ZapZap, Arrows, Log

urround attacks can shorten your projectile privilege. And a cheap spell can purge the plebeian pack.

Clash Royale Skeleton ArmySwarms

Heavy hitting counters like the Mini Pekka, Inferno Dragon, and Prince are deadly powerful monsters. HEY LOOK OVER THERE” by wasting a serious attack, again and again, against skeletons and goblins, you can deal hundreds of extra damage to the Red King’s Tower.

Clash Royale fireballFireball and Lightning

All of the medium tanky units like the bowler are fairly good counters to the Cannon Cart. A musketeer that cannot target the cannon cart is a good way to drastically reduce the damage. A fireball, or lightning that strikes the tower can help salvage a cannon cart, or at least allow it to kill the unit in question and get some good chip damage.

Clash Royale GiantTanks

The cannon cart is best dealt with by breaking the shield and leaving it alone to die. A tank helps keep that from happening. Even a Knight or Ice Golem is sufficient.

Clash Royale Dart GoblinTempo Cards

Other fast-moving cards that help keep the pressure high can give you a pure-breed tempo deck, and if your opponent can never make a heavy play without suffering your wrath, it really cripples beatdown players.

Clash Royale MortarMortar

While it’s not easy to use with the X-Bow (their combination is 11 elixir) it is much easier to siege with the Mortar, and its ability to kill medium things makes it an excellent pairing.

Decks Utilizing Cannon Cart

Spazegamer777’s 20 Win Challenge Deck

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Cannon CartClash Royale BanditClash Royale Poison
Clash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale BatsClash Royale ZapClash Royale Ice Wizard

My own Tempo Deck

Clash Royale Dark PrinceClash Royale MinerClash Royale Cannon CartClash Royale Dart Goblin
Clash Royale ArchersClash Royale BatsClash Royale LightningClash Royale Furnace

And my own monstrosity

Clash Royale Mega KnightClash Royale Cannon CartClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Dart Goblin
Clash Royale ZapClash Royale BatsClash Royale PoisonClash Royale Spear Goblins

Minewolf20’s Tempo Deck

Clash Royale Cannon CartClash Royale Dart GoblinClash Royale ZapClash Royale The Log
Clash Royale Fire SpiritsClash Royale BanditClash Royale MinionsClash Royale Guards

By darchangels13



P.E.K.K.A Double Dragon – Counterpush and Crush!


Hey everyone!

This is KPK, with my third guide to Clash.World, after the Mortar Rocket and Lanceyard. Finally, after much anticipation, rolls out the finest P.E.K.K.A Double Dragon with 3 jam-packed Legendary Cards!

pekka double dragon

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Inferno DragonClash Royale Baby DragonClash Royale Dark Prince
Clash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale ZapClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale The Log

sparky heal analysis

Card Breakdown

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AP.E.K.K.A – The troop with the second highest DPS in the game, and she is the answer to crush down Mega Knights too! P.E.K.K.A is a mighty killer-machine and can tank for heavy damage! In this deck, we’re using the PEKKA for counterpushing.

Clash Royale Inferno DragonInferno Dragon

This guy, has got better over time, and right now is pretty balanced. Inferno Dragons can play offensively or defensively for you in this deck, and this card is a method of crushing Hog Riders! When I place a PEKKA, the opponent tries to trick me by playing Hog on the opposite lane, but guess what, he’s having trouble with an Inferno Dragon!

Clash Royale Baby DragonBaby Dragon

Cute hatchling with hyperactive synergies! This card is pretty decent or cool for just 4 elixir, by 2-shotting most swarms, and answering Graveyards too! Fire the Hot Double Dragon combo with the Baby Dragon! #It’s FIERY!

Clash Royale Dark PrinceDark Prince

This guy just got a whole lot darker and better with this update! He’s super-effective against most swarms(Ground) and he is a member of the Dark Side along with Darth Vader. JOKING!

Clash Royale Electro WizardElectro Wizard

Electro Wizards, might have lost some hitpoints, but they’re right now the #1 Legendary Cards! He was born with a POW! He stunned enemies with a POW! And dies with a POW!

Clash Royale Goblin GangGoblin Gang

All-star swarm recruits! The Goblin Gang is quite versatile for 3 elixir, and adds a pinch of Zap-Bait to this deck. Every deck needs a swarm, and from the Jungle, this is the best!

Clash Royale ZapZap

Eco-Friendly, Quite self-explanatory card, but in this deck, is good to stun down those pesky Inferno Towers, Shocking Trash Cans( Sparky) and against most swarms offering good elixir trade. I advise you to have your Zap Level, one or two levels higher than your Arena Level, to have better interactions against most Goblin Barrels.

Clash Royale The LogThe Log

Quite self explanatory. The mighty 2 elixir Legendary, devastates the ground for a positive trade.


Clash Royale Electro Wizardekf9WOpClash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale Ice Wizard

Clash Royale The Logekf9WOpClash Royale TornadoClash Royale fireballClash Royale Arrows

Clash Royale Dark Princeekf9WOpClash Royale BanditClash Royale LumberjackClash Royale Valkyrie

General Gameplan

The main strength of this deck

This is important.

The key to success, lies in some overcommitment, or lane splitting. By eventually cycling, you can wear down your opponent easily. This can be done in double time.

Remember that this deck is a Counterpusher.

Single Elixir Time

This is the time you observe the opponent’s combo, his cards and his strategies against you.

Remember, this deck is a counterpush deck and can’t go straightforward offense in single time.

If you manage to defend the opponent successfully many several times, then you’re closer to the victory. After defense, slowly build a tiny push, that is quite pinning. Say, after defending with the PEKKA, I’ll play Baby Dragon behind it, since most people send Minion Hordes or Bats to attack the PEKKA.

Double Elixir Time

Yup! Break hell loose and be the Game Changer!

Start accumulating and building up troops behind the PEKKA. Don’t be slow at this since it would your opponent a chance to Push again! Remember to keep some spare elixir for any sneak push on the other lane.

Keep throwing down troops and keep the two spells handy! Don’t overcommit but a bit more than your regular pushing. This gives high offense, which slowly wears down the opponent’s defenses. Then you captured him!

If he has a super-quick cycle deck then keep defending more and play medium-strong combos everytime.

Medium Strong Combos

These combos work very well any time during the battle

Dark Prince Double Dragon – If you have defended with an Inferno Dragon/Baby Dragon or Dark Prince and have 10 elixir up your sleeve, try this combo – Dark Prince, Baby Dragon and Inferno Dragon. Keep Spells handy!

Electric Blaze – If you have defended with Dark Prince and Goblin Gang/E-Wiz successfully and have enough commitments, play Dark Prince, Baby Dragon, Goblin Gang and E-Wiz. Keep Spells Handy!

Hatchling PEKKA – PEKKA + Baby Dragon. When a successful counterpush has been done with the PEKKA, play Baby Dragon and keep Zap ready. Good combo for Single Time.


Clash Royale Three MusketeersThree Musketeers – The toughest match-up, indeed why this deck isn’t useful in Challenges.

Three Musketeer decks have Elixir Collectors, which we can’t really destroy, making things nasty.

The best thing to do is to start rushing on the lane having the Collector with PEKKA, Dark Prince etc.. If you manage to defeat the Tower, try killing the Collector as well.

On defense, we’ve got utility, but they got advantage with a Storming Ram on one lane and 2 Vicious Musketeers on the other hand. So try your best. Play PEKKA on the Ram Lane, and Dark Prince to the other two Musks.

Clash Royale Lava HoundLava Hound – Something super-easy to toss!

Inferno Dragon and Electro Wizard kick the Hound’s posterior, with the PEKKA, storming in front. LavaLoon combos are easy to counter. Since, Hound users don’t use many Ground Troops, you’re lucky!

Use Baby Dragon against Minions.

Clash Royale Hog RiderHog Rider – Like I’ve mentioned many other times, Hog Users, look out for Elixir Commitment.

But, we are smart and keeping spare elixir during Double Time, and playing harsh Counterpushes in Single Time.

The thing is, don’t go too offensively. Some users pressurize you with Hyper-Bait Combos like Goblin Gang, Skeleton Army with an Inferno Tower. So, just take a step back and relax until they make a move.

If it’s a Split Lane Push like Hog + E-Barbs, then use Dark Prince for Hog Rider, and PEKKA on E-Barbs or Vice Versa.

Clash Royale Elite BarbariansElite Barbarians

These days, these guys have gotten quite weak over time and are easy to knock down. That doesn’t mean you can neglect an Elite Rage Combo.

Play Dark Prince for positive trades with the Gang. But you can try a PEKKA as well.

Clash Royale GiantGiant – We don’t see a lot of Giants these days but PEKKA is the best shot against it. Slice and Dice ’em.

Like I’ve said, these ones will be easy to beat in Single Time, so start a Counterpush and then Go Wild!

In Double Time, use Dark Prince to defeat support troops behind the Giant. E-Wiz comes handy to knock out Giant+Minions Combo. Inferno Dragon is very powerful as well against these meaty Giants.

Clash Royale GolemGolem – You know the answer! PEKKA!

PEKKA makes it tough to play Golem Lightning Combos, but the Elixir Collectors can give a problem. Try to defend a lot more in these decks.

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.APEKKA – You have to be a bit more aggressive in these decks. Playing defense won’t help much.

Keep piling up and you might be able to do it. Play defense, to know their decks, and then you can play defense.

Clash Royale GraveyardGraveyard – Baby Dragons and Dark Princes are effective in dishing out Graveyards. I’m sure you can handle the Graveyard user!

If it’s a Splash-Yard Style, then make sure you can hold up the Main Tank for longer, and then play Inferno Dragon and Baby Dragon with the PEKKA.

Clash Royale MinerMiner Bait Decks – Take care of the Miner with a resource such as PEKKA, Goblin Gang or E-Wiz. Then keep splash troops handy for the spell bait part of it.

Play offense a bit more in these decks, unless it’s not a Hybrid like Giant Miner combo etc…

Clash Royale Royal GiantRoyal Giant – React fast!

Use PEKKA for quickly countering the Royal Giant and Counterpush with it.

Clash Royale Mega KnightMega Knight – PEKKA is one of the best counters to the Mega Knight. Place the PEKKA on the bridge, and not close to the tower!

You don’t want the Mega Knight to deal Double Damage to both the things. Counterpush and save the PEKKA for the Mega Knight.

That’s it everyone! Hope you like this deck!
